Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Money as Debt

So last class in media literacy we watched a short film titled "Money as Debt." It was a very depressing take on the sad state of affairs in which our economy operates. We're shown the evolution of our current crisis and how it began. I certainly can't comprehend how we can maintain any stability on an economy that allows banks to conjure legal tender into thin air on one of the most unreliable systems, the borrower's promise.

But now that we've already built our society of so many years on this flawed system, we have no other choice but to ride it out until it collapses entirely. There's no certain way we can fix this immediate problem until we suffer a complete economic collapse and we're left with no other option but to build a new system.

The whole film was a cautionary talel; one that doesn't bode well for the future of America, or the world for that matter. I just hope we can solve the economic puzzle before it's too late.

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