Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Blog Quiz

(1)The media remains dominated by global media conglomerates which becomes increasingly easier (2) due to the deregulated environment in which they operate. (3) Thus it become nigh impossible to escape the consumerist ideology that floods everything we see.

In the modern media, we are given the illusion of choice. We are presented with many seemingly different "news outlets" whose true differences lie in the manner in which they present the same news in different ways. Ultimately everything we see is controlled. Television programming though very heterogeneous, is ultimately controlled by the same organization. Though we are given a vast choice of channels for all different kinds of programming, our personal choice of programming simply stratifies us as the target demographic for that specific program.

It is in this way that advertising subjects us to the consumerist ideology. During children's programming, the commercials tell us all the things children are "supposed" to want, while advertisement during sports programming tell sports fans what clothing to wear (e.g. Nike, Adidas etc.) or food to eat, or beer to drink, etc.

This causes our primary concern with media globalization. What it is doing is hardly good for diversity. In fact, successful advertising promotes the flattening of character and stereotypical behavior for all its target demographics. The most frightening thing about this is the fact that it reaches through all forms of media. However, this fear is not as legitimate as it seems because advertisement is not as influential as some think. While people may pick up different consumer habits from what they see on T.V. it is more likely that they reject the majority advertising because they don't agree with it or it doesn't pertain to them. This makes the "dangerous" globalization caused through advertisment a FAR less likely reality. That is unless subliminal advertising becomes a reality.

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