Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Presenting....The Cool

In today's society, marketing to teens has become a mutant game of keeping up with the Joneses. There's always something out there that marketing crews are eager to find, use dry, then kill as a means to profit. It's a despicable practice because it preys on the impressionable youth and manipulates them for a quick buck. Not only that, but it stifles any good chance for them to develop an interesting culture of their own as it is constantly creating and destroying trends. And it's really necessary to do so. In order to make any profit, the market needs to be in flux.

And today's it's gotten even worse because marketing media is so eager to get ahead of the curve, they have practically skipped the target audience and have begun dictating to the general audience what they're supposed to like. It's become a painful cycle that shows no signs of slowing down.

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