Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"McLuhan's Message"

I'm going to be upfront about this: I am not the sharpest user of Adobe Photoshop let alone CS3. As enthusiastic as I am to use it, my knowledge of the tools is quite limited. So when I had to make a small 3 panel image describing Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Message", I was hesitant to make something. But enough about those issues. Let's describe my stunning work of art, shall we? (please note: I have done better things in photoshop...thought you'd like to know)

While I was unclear as to the specifics of McLuhan's meaning, I caught the general purpose. So being the cinema man that I am, I chose to elaborate on the effects and message of Fritz Lang's silent film "Metropolis". A historical piece of cinema, in and of itself. However, unbeknowst to some it held stronger connotations for Adolf Hitler and influenced much of his perception of the German people.

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