Monday, September 29, 2008


In modern society where news is coming from thousands of different sources, it becomes terribly hard to manage all the information. So here's a representation of all the different forms of where we're bombarded with messages. Pictured are some web headlines over times square ads, and some corporate logos such as the old RKO pictures and the Windows logo. It's really a symbol of the assault on the senses we suffer daily.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Anime Globalization

Anime, the animation art style founded in Japan many years ago has seen steady growth in overseas popularity. Recently, it has seen an exponential boom in American media.

Anime, known primarily for distinct action sequences and epic plotlines has come to America in many different forms. It began as adaptations for children with shows such as Gigantor, Astro Boy, and Speed Racer. However, over time, America has adapted other anime with more mature themes and suggestive elements. Anime itself has become so influential of an artform that we have American filmmakers such as the Wachowski Brothers creating films such as The Matrix which are rife with anime influence in both visual and scripting

And American media continues to import popular creations from Japan with distributors such as Viz media or Tokyopop and several other, dedicated to publishing classic Japanese creations for American masses.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Kate Nash impressions

Relatively new, artist Kate Nash has recently become popular in the U.S. after seeing some booming popularity in the U.K.

Her music is unique, and enjoyable. However, her status as a solo female artist begs the question; What fans does she drawn primarily - men or women? It's generally accepted in American culture that female artists cater to women while men can cater to both. It's a old-standing bias that we still see today.

Also, fans of Kate Nash have significantly different reasons depending on whether they're male of female. I can't elaborate entirely but in general, men appreciate her attractiveness while women appreciate her musical talent. Overall, though, it all falls down to personal preference.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

"McLuhan's Message"

I'm going to be upfront about this: I am not the sharpest user of Adobe Photoshop let alone CS3. As enthusiastic as I am to use it, my knowledge of the tools is quite limited. So when I had to make a small 3 panel image describing Marshall McLuhan's "The Medium is the Message", I was hesitant to make something. But enough about those issues. Let's describe my stunning work of art, shall we? (please note: I have done better things in photoshop...thought you'd like to know)

While I was unclear as to the specifics of McLuhan's meaning, I caught the general purpose. So being the cinema man that I am, I chose to elaborate on the effects and message of Fritz Lang's silent film "Metropolis". A historical piece of cinema, in and of itself. However, unbeknowst to some it held stronger connotations for Adolf Hitler and influenced much of his perception of the German people.